AMOneHK shares 3D printing industry information with you
AMOneHK provides information about 3D printing, including 3D printing technology applications, 3D printers, 3D printing materials and more. Let's feel the charm of 3D printing together!
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5 artifacts using 3D printing and 3D scanning
5件使用3D打印和3D掃描的文物 。在過去的十年中,3D打印和3D掃描技術對考古學產生了重大影響,爲歷史研究和文物保存提

How 3D printing will transform the music industry?

Could 3D printed tiger teeth help save rare animals from extinction?
2023年8月2日,一家初創公司成功爲印度原住民提供了在傳統頭飾中使用野生動物部位的替代方案。 △Arunachal象牙

3D printing of bicycle and accessories
Additive manufacturing technology plays an important role in the sports industry. It can be used to design and customize all kinds of equipment. Among the many sports applications, 3D printed bikes are undoubtedly the most widespread.

3D Printing Advantages , Technology, Materials, Applications
1. What are the advantages of 3D printing? 3D printing offers many benefits to individuals and businesses. Here are some important advantages 3D printing offers: Faster production: 3D printing is faster and cost effective than traditional manufacturing (including injection moulds and reduced material production) : For small batch production and applications,

Relativity Space's 3D-printed rocket has successfully launched but failed to reach orbit after a second-stage ignition failure
Relativity Space conducted its third Terran 1 launch from Launch Complex 16 in Cape Canaveral, Florida,

The launch of the 3D-printed rocket was delayed again, after three hours and three attempts were aborted
In the early hours of March 12, 2023, Polar Bear continued to broadcast the second launch of Relativity Space, a 3D-printed rocket startup. The first launch on March 9 was postponed until today because of propellant problems on New Year's Eve. However, in waiting for three more small

Titanium Alloy -3D printed metal materials
1.鈦合金材料 鈦合金具有密度小、強度高、耐腐蝕、耐熱、低溫性能好、無磁性等良好的綜合力學和物理化學特性。 鈦合金的3D

7 Advantages of 3D printing
1. Part complexity The biggest advantage of 3D printing is that very complex parts and products can be manufactured using reduced material manufacturing (CNC) or other traditions

Design rules for 7 3d printing models
7個3d打印模型的設計規則, 按照這些規則設計會增加3D打印的成功率。若是您有更好的設計規則也可以與我們分享。 1. 3

Common 6 kinds of 3D printing service technology! Which one suits you?
Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, covers a range of technologies that can be picked up by the additive manufacturing (AM)