Nature3D PLA Color Change

Nature3D PLA Color Change uses PLA as the main raw material. The color of the printed model will change with the change of temperature. Darker color will appear below 33℃, and lighter color will appear above 33℃. The raw material is FDA approved, meets food contact requirements, is fully biodegradable, and is odorless when printed. Can be used for some creative products that need to change color.



Nature3D PLA Color Change uses PLA as the main raw material. The color of the printed model will change with the change of temperature.Below 33℃ will appear darker color, above 33℃ will appear lighter color. The raw material is FDA approved, meets food contact requirements and is fully biodegradable. Suitable for printing ordinary models of various sizes, can be used for some creative products that need to change color, such as the model of ambient temperature change.

Product feature

  • Very easy to print
    • Printing without warping edge, no deformation after cooling
    • Improve fluidity and interlayer adhesion
    • Good adhesion to the surface of the unheated printing bed
  • It is almost tasteless when printed
  • biodegradable

General Printing Guide *

Nozzle size: ≥ 0.15mm Layer height:≥0.1mm Flow rate: ± 100%
Printing temp: ±190~220℃ Print speed: medium Retraction : ±5mm
Hot bed: ±0-60°C Fan speed: 50-100% Experience level: Beginner
Color transition temperature: ±33℃ Length: ±340m

*) The Settings shown above are intended to guide you in finding the best print Settings. These ranges should work for most printers, but feel free to experiment outside these ranges.

Compliance *


  • Consumable diameter:  1.75mm
  • Grade of materials:  A -- 100% VIRGIN
  • Vacuum package: Yes
  • Drying agent: Include
  • Net weight: 1.0 KG
  • Shipping weight: 1.5 KG
Weight 1 kg

黃色變橙色Yellow to Orange, 紫色變玫瑰色Purple to Rose, 灰色變白色Gray to White, 棕色變綠色Brown to Green


PLA Color Change






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